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Created by : admin - 2021-10-25 09:21:15

(Jakarta)--Preparation for TC-36 CIRDAP with Mr. Cerdsak Vrapat the Director General CIRDAP- Virtual Meeting on 22nd October 2021 hosted by Directorate General Village Government Development, Ministry of Home Affairs Indonesia. CIRDAP is Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific. Indonesia will be the country host for the 36th Technical Committee Virtual  Meeting and Workshop on 26th October 2021 and 3rd-4th November 2021.

The workshop theme for October 26th 2021 is Learning from Covid-19 Experiences and the Future Scenario of Village Governance. Then at November 3rd-4th 2021 is Village Management through Village Governance for Digital-based Village Economic Development and Empowerment.